Tag Archives: Taoist

“Living the Flame of Divine Love”

Love is the greatest force in the universe, and divine love is the most powerful form of love. Across the faith traditions, a universal path of divine love calls us to abandon our preoccupation with mundane concerns and rise to our highest destiny: to merge into the mystery of oneness with the Divine. This does not mean leaving the world, but cultivating deep communion with the ineffable One which cannot be named but goes by many names: God, Brahman, Allah, the Tao, Great Spirit, “the Beloved.”

Nothing is more important today than bringing more love into the world. In different ways yet with one voice, scriptures and mystics across the traditions have sounded a clarion call down through the ages to unite with ʻthe Belovedʼ:

“I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me.” (St. Paul)
Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman) (Brihadaranyaka Upanishad)
“Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46)
Anal haq! (I am the Supreme Reality) (Al Hallaj)

How do we answer this urgent call of the soul? Whether we identify as Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Taoist, Jew, Buddhist, Shamanistic—or more than one of these, or none at all! —how can the ineffable “Beloved” become the living truth of our being, rather than mere flowery rhetoric or theological ideal? The interspiritual Path of Divine Love is for those who are not confined to a single spiritual tradition, yet are called to walk the singular path of the heart.


What is the path of divine love? What does interspirituality mean?

The path of divine love is universal, found in all traditions. The interspiritual path of love is open to those committed to a single faith tradition but are inspired by other traditions, as well as those committed to two or more faith traditions. In the former case, the interspiritual path serves to deepen faith and appreciation of one’s chosen tradition in light of the wisdom from other traditions. In the latter case, insights and practices from multiple traditions foster a synergy of wisdom and practices that fuel and inspire deep spiritual commitment.

How can we follow two paths at once? Isnʼt this an oxymoron?

Are we attempting to walk multiple spiritual paths simultaneously, thereby missing the goal altogether? Not at all. The interspiritual path of love draws upon multiple traditions as a means to deepen our commitment to the one path of the heart that leads directly to the Divine. We are not walking multiple paths, nor drilling multiple wells that never reach water. Rather, as Matthew Wright puts it, we are drilling one well using multiple tools.

All spiritual traditions are but pointers to the Real. Every mystical tradition is a gateway into a unique sacred world that ultimately leads to oneness with the Divine. Teachings and practices from diverse traditions draw together jewels from these sacred worlds, which together unveil the glorious path of divine love with scintillating clarity. Drawing from the varied strengths and practices of multiple traditions, we take up the one journey to which they all point.

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